Plumbing Services at Ashford 24Hr Plumbers
Ashford 24Hr Plumbers we are committed to providing our customers with a quality, professional service. From a dripping tap or overflow to a full bathroom installation, no job is either too large or too small.
We offer a Genuine 24Hour Emergency Callout Service should you experience problems when you least expect them and don’t worry about ringing out of hours for an emergency we know it’s not your fault!
In the vast majority of general call-outs we aim to offer a one-call solution to the problem. Our vans are fully stocked with all the common plumbing essentials. Pipework, fittings, stopcocks, valves, float valves, taps, immersion heaters and all toilet fittings are carried on board to enable us to effect a repair on our first visit.
This allows us to keep the price competitive by eliminating the need to travel to buy materials.
Key points of the Services that we offer are :-
• Leaks, Dripping Taps or Overflows
• Basin, Bath and Kitchen Taps
• Basins, Baths and Toilets
• Float Valves to Loft Tanks etc.
• Toilet Repairs (Not Flushing/Overflowing etc.)
• Blocked Sinks/Toilets
• Hot Water Cylinders (Direct or Indirect) and Immersion Heaters
• Radiators/Radiator Valves
• Bathroom Installation (Supply and Fit or Fit Only)
• Kitchen Sinks
• Installation of Dishwashers and Washing Machines
• Loft Tanks
• Electric and Power Showers
• Shower Trays, Cubicles and Valves (Aqualisa Trained)
• Outside Taps
• Unvented Hot Water Systems (Megaflo etc.) – CITB Approved no. 01964317/1
• Water Softeners
• Authorised Installer of Surestop Water Switches – Installer no. SSA
(These allow the mains water to be turned off at the flick of a switch and are great for the elderly)

So if you are in need of a plumber you can trust give Ashford 24Hr Plumbers a call
A plumber in Ashford that is on 24 hour call out or email us on Email@ashford24hrplumbers.com
Ashford 24hr Plumber | Local Plumbers | Plumber in Ashford, Maidstone, Canterbury | Plumbers in Ashford, Maidstone, Canterbury | Plumbers
San Raphael,
Bromley Green Rd,
Ruckinge, Ashford,
Kent, TN26 2EG
Tel : 01233 732150
Mobile: 07718 588488

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